How to Keep Your Housecat Healthy

Everyone deserves to live a happy and healthy life. The cat that dwells in your house is more than just a piece of furniture. They are a valued friend that deserves the best. You can follow a few simple tips to keep them in the peak of health for many years to come.

Make Sure to Groom Your Cat

One of the first things you can do to ensure the health of your feline friend is to make sure they are properly groomed. Of course, one of the defining characteristics of the species is that they do tend to groom themselves. However, you can give them a little help in order to maximize their health and happiness.

You can start by giving them a regular brushing. This is an action that even cats with very short hair can benefit from. Cats with medium length or longer hair will naturally appreciate being groomed in this fashion. They will particularly enjoy getting rid of loose hair. This will help prevent excess shedding and the formation of nasty hairballs.

There is also another benefit to consider that goes well beyond the merely physical. This is the time that you spend bonding with your cat. The affection that you show then while you groom them will be remembered and appreciated. Even if your cat is not the most demonstrative when it comes to affection, a bit of grooming may yield welcome results.

Always Provide Them with Fresh Water

Cats require plenty of water just as surely as every human. Maintaining a proper level of daily hydration is a necessity for your furry friend. Drinking water helps cats avoid such issues as urinary tract infections and kidney disease.

However, as in many other areas, your cat may be picky about the water they drink. This is because cats tend to be less domesticated than dogs. Many of them still have memories of drinking from rivers and lakes in the jungle. In a word, they prefer running water.

You may see your cat pawing at the water in their bowl to create movement. If this is a regular occurrence, you can get them a special cat drinking fountain. Once set up in your home, it will mimic running water. This will give them plenty of inspiration for instant hydration.

Give Them a Clean Litterbox

One of the most crucial items that you need to associate with cat care is the common litterbox. In fact, many cat experts claim that you should actually have two of them. This way, your cat has multiple choices to utilize. If they are in one far corner of the house, they can use the box that is set up there.

The idea is to keep your home neat, tidy, and free of offensive odors. A safe, clean litterbox will also help to ensure the health of your cat. If you set up a box or two in your home, make sure to change it out regularly. You should also check to make sure that your cat uses it. Going outside the box may be a sign of medical issues.

Keep Your Cat at a Healthy Weight

Never overfeed your cat or deny them access to exercise. This is one of the worst things that you can do to a cat. An overweight cat will be very unhealthy as well as unhappy. Even if you live in a small apartment, you can still find ways to create space for your cat to stretch out. The more steps they can take, the better shape they will be in.

When you see that your cat is getting overweight, you may wish to cut down on the amount of food and snacks that you give them. If this has no effect, you may need to speak to a vet. They may be able to prescribe a change in your cat's diet that will help them get back into shape.

Spay or Neuter Your Pets

In the immortal words of Bob Barket, now is the time to spay or neuter your pets. This will keep them from getting into all kinds of trouble.

Spaying or neutering helps to keep the animal population at a sustainable level. It also helps to prevent a wide range of illnesses such as testicular cancer and prostate issues. Neutering reduces their urge to roam, thus preventing them from disappearing or exposing themselves to danger.

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