8 Tips to Help Your Cat Remain in Good Health

As a responsible cat parent, you should always ensure your pet is healthy and happy. Try and provide your cat with the best care and essentials so they enjoy a relaxed and calm life. For example, provide your kitty with a healthy diet, play things, clean litter boxes, and don't skip vet appointments. In addition, use the below tips to keep your cat healthy and ensure it gets the best life:

1. Attend All Vet Appointments

Many cat owners skip wellness vet appointments since they don't know how beneficial they are. Professionals believe cats that get vet care enjoy better health than those that don't. Since it is difficult to notice signs of illness in a cat, ensure to take your feline for a routine check-up for the vet to unearth any sickness you may not have noticed.

Even though indoor cats may not be prone to contracting diseases like outdoor cats, they might be vulnerable to other ailments such as urinary tract infections, obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease. Wellness appointments enable the veterinary to provide your cat with treatment for any illness detected from an early stage. Failure to take your feline for regular vet visits may be late to treat your cat by the time it shows signs of sickness.

2. Protect Your Cat from Parasite Infestations

If you think your indoor cat cannot get infestations from parasites, that is untrue. Ticks, fleas, heartworms, and intestinal parasites can also infest indoor felines like wild cats. You can easily carry some parasites on your clothing and transfer them to your cat. Your pet may also sneak out through the fence or an open door and risk getting ticks or fleas. Find a reputable vet to guide you on an all-inclusive parasite prevention plan.

3. Choose the Right Nutrition and Diet Plan for Your Cat

Cats have different nutritional requirements depending on their ages, weight, health condition, and other factors. Your cat's diet should consist of high protein and low levels of carbohydrates. Check the calorie content indicated on the packaging when buying food for your feline. The information on the packaging will guide you on the right food to buy for your cat and the proper serving quantities. Then, provide your furry friend with enough drinking water throughout the day, especially if it mostly feeds on dry food.

4. Provide Your Cat with Enough Clean Litter Boxes

The cat's litter box size, type, condition, and location matter significantly. Ensure to provide your feline with clean litter boxes and place them in quiet spaces. Your cat may only use a litter box that is small, dirty, or one placed in a quiet environment. You may need to change the box or its placement if your pet avoids using it.

5. Groom Your Cat

Cats love cleanliness. Even though they love self-grooming, they require some assistance. It would be best to have a grooming kit with brushes, a nail trimmer, and other essentials. Brush your cat's fur and remove the dead undercoat periodically. Also, clan your feline's coat and teeth and trim its nails. While at it, check for any abnormalities in its eyes, ears, and teeth.

6. Your Cat Needs to Exercise and Remain Active

Cats that don't exercise and play are prone to too much weight gain and obesity. Incorporate good feeding habits and play time for your cat to remain healthy. Get toys and other play items for your feline to encourage them to move around. Then set aside 10 to 15 minutes daily to play with your cat.

7. Differentiate between Your Feline's Normal and Abnormal Behavior

Normally, cats love spending time sleeping and spending time alone. However, it is essential to understand what's normal for your pet to know when it is unwell. Suppose you notice abnormal behaviors like hiding, vomiting, excessive sleeping, inappropriate usage of the litter box, and a reduced activity level in your cat. In that case, they might indicate a medical problem that requires the vet's attention.

8. Provide Your Pet with an Environment that Boosts their Mental Health

Indoor cats get bored. Even if you provide your feline with enough water, food, and affection, they will also need games, playthings, and activities that stimulate their minds to remain healthy and happy. For example, cats love climbing, resting, and hiding in high-level places for mental health. Therefore, provide your feline with climbing towers or build shelves on the walls for these activities.

It is your responsibility as a cat owner to see that your pet enjoys a healthy, happy, and long life. The tips above will guide you in making your feline remain content for the longest time possible.

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