Cat Health Tips

Cats are independent animals. Their routine consists mainly of sleeping, eating, cleaning, and playtime. We may assume that they can take care of these areas themselves and do not require much care. But that is a mistaken belief.

Although cats are self-sufficient pets, they do require care from their owners. Cats need help with veterinary visits, nutrition, cleanliness, and an active life. These are the top areas to help keep your cat healthy.

Cat Health with Vet Visits

One of the most important health areas for cats is keeping up with veterinary visits. Many owners think that cats do not require regular vet care but these pets do.

Annual or biannual wellness visits are crucial to maintaining a cat's health. Cats may hide an illness or injury that a vet visit can detect. Cats are vulnerable to such problems as urinary tract infections, obesity, and kidney disease.

Taking time for a vet visit will identify these potential issues early and allow for proper treatment. To monitor signs of illness, check to see if a cat is not eating very much, hiding in a dark area, or not grooming. Changes in regular habits are an indication that something is not right.

Veterinary visits can also help with preventive care, such as brushing teeth. Like humans, cats need to take care of their teeth. Brushing a cat’s teeth at home or taking the pet to the vet for this service can help prevent gingivitis, a dental disease that is common among cats over 3 years of age.

Keep in mind that cats age more rapidly than people do. In their first year, cats reach about age 15 in human years. They age about 4 cat years per human calendar year afterward. As they age, health issues become more common and need to be monitored.

Cats, Nutrition, and Cleanliness

Cats also have unique diets. As carnivores, cats need high protein, low carbohydrate diets. Fish may come to mind as a protein source for cats, and they can eat fish. However, fish does not contain the vitamins and minerals needed for a balanced diet.

Cats are meat-eaters and are better off eating beef, chicken, and turkey. The best practice is to provide smaller meals of canned, moist, or cooked meats along with smaller amounts of dry food. Feeding cats too much dry food can lead to obesity.

Cleanliness is also important for a healthy cat. Although they do clean themselves regularly, owners can help by brushing fur and checking the eyes, teeth, and ears of cats. Keeping nails trimmed is likewise a good area for owners or the vet to do.

In addition, the number and placement of litter boxes are essential for cat hygiene. A general rule is to have one litter box for each cat and one additional one. An owner with two cats would thus have three litter boxes. Place them in areas that cats are more likely to use them too, not in basements or closets.

Most cats do keep themselves clean but still need help with it.

Playtime and Healthy Cats

Younger and older cats need playtime to keep healthy. Lack of exercise contributes to cat obesity and an unhappy cat. Playtime not only keeps cats active, but it also serves as a time for owners to bond with their pets.

When playing, cats need mental stimulation. Cats are intelligent animals that need to keep their minds active and look for challenges. They need to exercise their muscles and brains, just like people.

Using laser pointers, fishing poles, and feather teasers are great interactive toys. Cats will also respond to puzzle toys and those that make sounds. Owners can also hide food in different areas to peak cat interest and provide exercise.

Cat owners should also train their pets to use a scratching post. Taking this step will help keep furniture intact and provide another activity. Place the scratching post in the middle of the room and sprinkle it with catnip to get cats interested in it.

Cat Health

Cats are independent but still require much attention from owners. Keeping up with veterinary visits, nutrition, cleanliness, and playtime are among the most important areas. To learn more about cats and get further advice, visit FlourishDaily.

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