6 Things You Should Do to Groom Your Cat Successfully

While adopting a cat, you must understand that it will need grooming. The good thing is that you only need to have some grooming items and do it comfortably at home. Since your cat may not enjoy grooming moments when you start, you should find ways to make the sessions enjoyable. Your furry buddy will get used to and even look forward to the sessions after some time.

In addition, the cat will enjoy several benefits from the procedure, like feeling good and having healthy skin, body, and clean coat. For example, felines don’t like bathing. However, you can find ways to entice them until they get used to grooming. It might be challenging to make your kitty sit still during the grooming process:

1. The Best Time to Start Cat Grooming Is When They are Still Young

Most times, a kitty will respond better to grooming than older cats because they have already learned that from their mothers. Spending time with your cat will make them get used to your touch. If you have an older feline, you can still hold and touch it more, so it doesn’t feel strange during the grooming sessions. However, it would be best to start grooming your cat before it matures.

2. Your Cat Needs Regular Brushing

If your cat has short hair, brush it once per week. If your cat’s fur is long, it would be best to brush it at least twice weekly to avoid tangling and the development of hairballs. Ensure the brushing sessions are as short as possible if your furry friend doesn’t enjoy the procedure. Additionally, ensure you get the right brush for your cat to minimize discomfort.

3. You Will Need to Bathe the Cat

In general, you should bathe your cat once after every four or six weeks depending on the environment they spend most of their time. Use warm, clean water and cat shampoo for bathing your feline. Pour enough water into the sink or bathtub. Then, use a jug to pour the water slowly over the cat, avoiding the face and head. Apply the shampoo, and scrub the cat thoroughly before rinsing it off. Place the cat on a clean towel and dry it thoroughly. You may consider a dry shampoo bath if your cat cannot remain calm for a water bath.

4. Spend More Time Cleaning the Ears

During the grooming sessions, concentrate more on the ears. Check for any discharge or redness in the ears. Then, clean them using use an ear cleanser. Read the cleanser packaging to make sure you follow the proper procedure. You can then remove the cleanser remains using a cloth or cotton wool.

5. Trim Your Cat’s nails Using a Trimmer

Most indoor felines have long nails because they don’t scratch a lot. When you find your cat with long nails, ensure to trim them so they might not catch items that injure them. You can easily feel the length of your kitty’s paws by touching them. Then, hold the feline gently so it gets comfortable before trimming its nails using a cat trimmer. Remember to hold the paws delicately to avoid hurting the claws.

6. Reward Your Kitty During the Grooming Sessions

Before commencing any grooming procedure, you must have toys and treats for your cat. You will use them to distract the feline from any discomfort it may experience from the unpleasant process. The treats and toys will also make the cat concentrate on the grooming procedure quietly.

How to Know If Your Cat Has Skin or Coat Problems

While brushing or bathing your cat, look out for problems on the skin and coat. Check for fleas, ticks, redness, and dryness. If you notice scratching on your feline’s skin, that may indicate allergies or parasites. In addition, if you find lumps or swellings on your cat’s skin, don’t hesitate to talk to the vet. The veterinary will request you take the cat for a check-up to rule out any illness and provide the best treatment for the problem.

You may find grooming challenging when adopting a cat for the first time. However, knowing how to go about it makes everything more manageable. Start by spending time with your feline so it can get used to your touch. Then, introduce treats so your furry friend can enjoy the grooming sessions. Use the tips above to have a better experience when grooming your cat.

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