7 Tips for a Healthy and Happy Cat

Adopting a cat is one of the best things you will have to do because you will have an excellent pet and a great companion. However, it is essential to know how to care for the cat so it can remain happy and healthy. Here are seven everyday health tips you need to understand to have a contented and fit pet for an extended duration:

1. Provide the Cat with the Right Food

When buying your cat’s food, you will find some feeding guidelines on the bag or container. It will help you know the correct type of food for your pet depending on their age and health condition. Senior cats, adults, and kittens should also have different portioning to avoid overfeeding, which may lead to various health conditions such as obesity. Additionally, some cats have food allergies or illnesses that require a special diet. Always consult your cat’s vet to know the correct type of food for your furry friend if in doubt.

2. Your Cat Needs to Stay Hydrated

Always ensure your cat has enough clean drinking water in their bowls. You should provide the water based on your cat’s health condition, size, diet, and activity level. However, most cats require 5 to ten ounces of water each day. A cat that feeds on dry food will need more water for hydration.

3. Your Flurry Friend Needs Exercise

While you may think your cat wants to spend most of their time sleeping, it is essential to understand they need exercise. Your furry friend needs mental engagement and stimulation from play to remain happy and healthy. When the cats play, they burn off the extra energy, which reduces the need to get your attention and destructive behavior. Some of the exercises include hiding treats for the pet to locate them, placing a climbable tree that your cat can access, and dragging some toys for your furry buddy to chase.

4. Provide Enough Litter Boxes

Your cat needs enough litter boxes, which you should place in convenient locations. You should have one box for each cat and an extra one for them. For example, you should provide three litter boxes if you have two kitties.

Although cleaning the boxes may not be your favorite chore, it is important to scoop them daily and wash them periodically. If your cat doesn’t use the litter box naturally like most, consult a specialist to train them. In addition, a cat that urinates or defecates outside the box may have serious health issues. If your cat’s poop is too soft or hard or contains some blood stains, consult the vet for a medical checkup.

5. Provide Your Cat with a Scratching Post

It is natural for cats to scratch, and it may be difficult for you to discourage them from doing it. It would be best to provide your cat with a scratching post to prevent them from damaging your furniture. You may also apply double-sided tape on the spots the pet is likely to scratch to discourage them from it.

6. Groom Your Cat

Cats love grooming themselves. However, you will need to occasionally brush your furry friend’s hair if it is short. If yours has long hair, brush their hair more often to prevent the formation of hairballs and reduce shedding off. If you notice some changes in your pet’s grooming habits, such as itching or licking a specific area or losing fur, talk to your vet so they can check for allergies or skin problems.

Trimming your cat’s nails would be best to lessen the chances of damaging items through scratching. Also, please consult your vet on the right dental care products for your cat because they often need brushing. Avoid using human toothpaste on your kitty.

7. Choose the Right Vet for Your Cat

Before welcoming your new buddy to your home, find the right vet. You can ask for recommendations from neighbors, friends, or colleagues. You may also check the internet for one with positive reviews. Then, take your cat for the first pet visit as soon as you bring them home.

Provide the vet with all the records you get from the pet’s previous care. The vet will check the cat’s overall health and provide them with the necessary vaccinations. You can ask the specialist any questions concerning your furry friend’s health and care.

Caring for a cat doesn’t have to be complicated. When you adopt a flurry buddy, you want to ensure they get as much love and care as possible so they can enjoy good health for a long time. The above tips will guide you on what you need to make your pet comfortable and contented in their new home.

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