6 Strategies to Keep Your Cat Healthy and Happy

You can keep your cat healthy and content using a few simple strategies, some of which you can incorporate into the feline friend's routine. Starting on the right foot as a first-time cat owner is essential since it helps create good daily habits. Here are six tips to help you provide your cat with the best love and care:

1. Brush Your Cat's Fur Every Day

It is essential to comb your cat's hair every day to reduce the development of hairballs in the digestive tract. Some pet owners may not understand the need to brush their cats daily since feline friends naturally love grooming themselves. Additionally, they may not know that combing helps remove loose hair.

One of the best ways to get you to cooperate during the brushing session is by connecting the moments with happy events. For example, you can try brushing your pet before feeding them so they can associate it with a delicious meal.

2. Avoid Giving Your Cat a Lot of Dry Food

Cats can never be vegetarians. Most of their diets should contain meat, and it should be their main meal of the day. You should avoid feeding your pet too much dry foods because that will make them consume more carbohydrates than they should.

Large amounts of carbs are unhealthy for cats because they can cause Type 2 diabetes or obesity. If you have cats and dogs, please avoid feeding your cat with dog food. That is because a cat's system does not take in carbohydrates like a dog's.

3. Give Your Cat Access to Fresh Water

Today's domestic cats evolved from ancestors who lived in the desert. That means that they don't get thirsty like dogs. Felines should get most of their water from their food. Most foods that cats eat contain a high percentage of water. For example, canned food has 78% water, a mouse is 70% water, and dry food contains less than 10% water.

Therefore, provide your cat with fresh water because you may not know when they get thirsty. You may notice your feline friend taking more water when you serve them high portions of dry food. In addition, observe nursing and elderly cats more carefully because they are more vulnerable to dehydration than others. You can tell a cat is dehydrated if it has sunken eyes, inactivity, and panting symptoms.

4. Provide Your Cat with Enough Litter Boxes

Experts recommend having a litter box for each cat and an extra one. Therefore, if you have two cats, you should have three boxes. It is also essential to know where best to place the litter boxes. Even though you prefer putting the boxes in places where no one notices them, such as dark corners or the basement, cats may prefer using them elsewhere.

Felines are vulnerable when using litter boxes, and they would want to see whatever is happening around them during that time. Hence, place the boxes in a well-lit area away from movements and noise.

5. Avoid Assumptions If You Notice Your Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box

It can be frustrating to find your cat peeing away from the litter box, such as on the carpet or couch. There can be several reasons why a cat may do that. In such a case, you should take your feline friend to the vet to check for urinary tract infections or other diseases that could cause such behavior.

If the vet finds no illness, change the litter box because the kitty may not like the current one. Try out different brands until you find one that your cat prefers. Also, make sure you keep the box clean by scooping every day. Additionally, you may place the litter box at a quieter location where they find it easier to access.

6. Choose the Right Vet for Your Cat

Some vets have a central waiting room for cats and dogs, which can scare your feline friend if you spend time in the same room with dogs. Find a veterinary with separate waiting areas for dogs and cats. However, if you like a vet who doesn't have enough space for two waiting rooms, request them to call you when it is almost your turn.

The above tips will help you keep your cat healthy and happy. The good thing is that you can incorporate them into your pet's daily routine and do it as a pro, even though it is your first time. They will help you start the cat care journey properly, which should be the case with all first-time cat owners.

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