4 Easy Ways to Put a Smile on Your Dog's Face
- Author: Jacob Greene
- Posted: 2024-08-22
Dogs are the most endearing and interactive pets that humans can have. There is a reason why they are lovingly referred to as 'man's best friend.' All loving dog owners enjoy seeing their furry friends happy and enjoying themselves. Here are four easy things you can do for and with your dog to make them feel good and smile inside.
Go for a Hike with Your Dog
Instead of the normal stroll around the neighborhood, taking your dog on a hike in nature is very enjoyable for both you and the little guy/gal. Dogs have an evolutionary affinity for nature, so letting your dog walk at their own pace and sniff all the interesting scents will surely make them feel happy. If you live in a big city, take your dog to the nearest park and walk around, so they can sniff everything they can find. Outside the city, dogs love walking in mountains and through the forest, where they can discover all the different plants and animals along the way. Chances are, your dog will have fun chasing a squirrel or other small animal on the path. The only important thing to remember is to keep your dog leashed if they are not specifically trained off-leash, so they do not run.
Share Some of Your Dinner
As long as you are not eating one of the specific groups of foods that are dangerous for dogs to ingest, giving your pet table scraps can make their day. Dogs will eat and enjoy almost all food products derived from animals, since they are naturally carnivores. Dogs jump for joy when they see something cooking in the kitchen, especially foods like meat and cheese that they are biologically programmed to devour. However, there are limits to how generous you should be with your dog when it comes to table scraps because training them to always sit under the table and beg is a bad habit. Rather, you should give your dog leftover meat and cheese from human food as a reward for good behavior and following training.
Play Tug-of-War or Fetch
If your dog has a rope toy that they enjoy chewing on and playing with, try picking up the toy and enticing your dog to grab it with their mouth. If your dog pulls, you should add some resistance and enjoy a game of tug-of-war. Dogs enjoy playing interactive and physical games such as tug-of-war and fetch with their owners. Dogs can be very strong and even win a game of tug-of-war with a rope toy against their human owner. Moreover, some dogs are bred to be natural players of the classic game of fetch. If you take that rope toy or a stick and throw it across the yard, your dog will have a fun time running at full speed after the flying toy or stick and bring it back. Not all dogs are proficient at fetch, as some prefer to sit and tilt their heads instead of running or run after the toy but keep it and not bring it back. Whatever game your dog prefers to play and how they choose to engage, interactive games like tug-of-war and fetch are good ways to make your dog happy and even get some exercise.
Bring your Dog Swimming
Dogs have a natural instinct to paddle through water with their paws and swim. That is where the term that refers to a primitive type of swimming that children often do, doggie-paddling, comes from. If you want to go for an outing with your dog that you want them to enjoy, take your dog to the nearest clean natural lake or creek to go for a swim. If the water is safe, you should let go of your dog and let them paddle on their own across the water. It is a good source of exercise and fun activity for your dog. Bigger dogs tend to be more effective swimmers, but all dogs have some semblance of the swimming instinct. The most important thing is to make sure the water is safe to swim in and stay close to your dog at all times. Additionally, you may want to keep them on a leash throughout the process. Dogs generally do not enjoy getting wet (which is why most dogs hate bathing), but they enjoy the exhilarating experience of swimming on their own. Just be sure to keep a close watch and effectively dry your dog off afterward.