Essential Cat Care Tips for a Healthy Cat


Keeping your cat healthy and happy does not have to be complicated. You can start with some simple tips and incorporate them into your feline friend's daily routine. It could help to start on the right foot when caring for your cat. When you take in that flurry friend, start with good daily habits, and stick to them. Here are some tips to help you provide your cat with the best love and care.

Comb the Cat Daily

Daily combing or brushing your feline friend will remove all hairballs and prevent their development in the digestive tract. Since cats love grooming themselves, most cat owners may not find the need to brush their pets to remove loose hair.

The best way to make your cat cooperate with the combing is to do it while incorporating happy moments. For example, you can try brushing your cat before meals to make them associate it with a delicious meal.

Avoid Giving Your Cat Too Much Dry Food

Cats cannot become vegetarians like dogs, even for a short time. All their diets should have meat, and their main meal should be meat only. Most cat dry foods contain many carbs, which may not be healthy if taken in large portions.

Too much dry food may cause obesity or Type 2 diabetes in cats. If you have dogs and cats, avoid feeding them the same food; dog food is unhealthy for cats. Additionally, a cat's digestive system cannot tolerate carbs like a dog's.

Provide Your Cat with Clean Drinking Water

Cats have less thirst drive than dogs. They get most of their water from food. Most things that cats eat, such as mice or canned food, contain a high percentage of water. However, dry cat food has between five and 10% water. That is why you should always provide your cat with fresh drinking water.

Cats will drink more water when they feed on dry food. It would be best to observe all nursing and elderly cats for symptoms such as panting and sunken eyes because they are more vulnerable to dehydration than others.

Place Enough Litter Boxes for Your Cat

You should provide one litter box for each cat and an extra one for them. Hence, you should place five boxes if you have four kitties. You also need to know where best to put the boxes because cats may not enjoy using them in dark places.

Cats love to see whatever is happening around them when using a litter box. Therefore, ensure you place the containers in areas with enough lighting, less or no movements, and distractions. Also, it would be best if you did not cover the boxes because the cats may not be willing to use them while covered.

You Shouldn't Ignore If You See Your Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box

Finding your cat peeing elsewhere apart from the litter box may be frustrating. It would be best if you didn't ignore it when you see your feline friend choosing the rug or a part of your couch instead of their box. The first thing you need to do is take your cat to the veterinarian for a checkup.

The professional will check for urinary tract infections or other illnesses that could cause disappointing behavior. If the vet finds no disease, check that you have provided your cat with the litter boxes they like. You can change the boxes to check if the cat prefers one to the others.

In addition, scoop the boxes daily and ensure they remain clean at all times. You may also place the container at a different location where there is less noise and it is easily accessible.

Settle on a Cat-friendly Veterinary

Some vets may have more canine clientele, which can be scary for your cat if they spend time in the waiting room with dogs. Settle on a vet with a separate waiting bay for dogs and cats. Although that is the best thing for all vets to do, some may not have adequate space for that. If you find a vet who does not have separate waiting rooms for cats and dogs, it would be best to request them to call you when you don't need to wait with the other clients.

As a cat owner, you must find ways to keep your furry friend happy and healthy. The simple tips above will guide you on how best to achieve that as you provide your cat with the love and care it deserves.

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