10 Basic Health and Care Tips for a Healthy Cat

How many times each year do you take your cat to the vet? Experts recommend that you need preventive care even when it doesn't look sick. In addition to bringing your cat to the veterinarian, the following tips will help you keep the furry friend healthy and happy:

1. Regular Grooming

All cats benefit significantly from regular combing or brushing, whether with short or long fur. That is because it enables the removal of dead and falling hair from the cat's coat, so they don't eat it during self-grooming. Regular grooming also allows you to detect changes in the pet's body. Contact the veterinarian immediately for a check-up and treatment if you notice abnormalities such as sores, lumps, or bumps.

2. Provide the Cat with Fresh Water

Your cat needs fresh water daily for good health. While some cats can comfortably drink from a bowl, you may provide a tall glass to those who don't like bending while drinking water. It may also be a great idea to place a cat fountain in an accessible space for your cat. Each day, clean the container and change the water with a fresh supply.

3. Store Enough Litter Boxes at Different Locations

You should have one litter box for each cat and an extra one. Therefore, you should have four litter boxes if you have three cats. Cats love using clean litter boxes. Hence, keep them clean to encourage the pets from using them. That means scooping the boxes once or more than once every day. Regular cleaning of the boxes will help you detect changes in the cat's stool or urine, which could indicate a health problem.

4. Be Concerned if Your Pet Stops Using the Litter Box

Since cats love using clean litter boxes, they may avoid the box if it is dirty. However, it would be best if you did not conclude why the cat did not use the box before visiting the vet. Changing the litter box usage may mean the cat has some UTI or another medical problem that the vet should check and treat.

5. Provide Your Cat with a Scratching Post

A scratching post will help your cat keep their claws in good condition and stretch its muscles. It will also help remove old layers on your cat's claws. If you don't provide your cat with a scratching post, they may scratch any surface they find appropriate such as cupboards or carpets, which will damage the items.

6. Carry Your Pet Using a Cat Carrier

When taking your cat to the vet or relocating to a new home, have a pet carrier to move them around. Remember, leaving your cat to roam in the car while driving can lead to accidents that may injure you and the pet.

7. Brush Your Cat's Teeth Regularly

Cats are like humans; they can develop cavities on their teeth, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Unbrushed cat's teeth may also collect bacteria, which can get into their bloodstream and cause other health issues. However, brushing your cat's teeth daily may be impossible, and most of them won't allow their owners to do it often. To ensure your cat enjoys healthy teeth, experts advise you to take them for cleaning at least once yearly.

8. Work with a Cat-friendly veterinarian

It would be best to choose a vet specializing in cat anatomy and health because cats have different veterinary requirements from dogs. Consider asking for recommendations of pet-friendly vets from your friends or search on the internet.

9. Take Your Cat for Regular Vet Visits

Regular visits will enable the vet to discover any potential disease your cat may have during the early stages, vaccinate, and clean the pet's teeth. The vet will also check whether the cat has an ideal weight and advise you accordingly.

10. Neuter and Spay the Cat

Male and female cats can get reproductive diseases. While spaying can prevent breast tumors, uterine infections, and ovarian cancers in females, neutering prevents males' prostate and testicular health problems. Neutering may also reduce the male cat's need to roam, preventing overpopulation.

Providing your cat with the best treats and products is essential to ensure they remain in good health. The above tips will teach you how best to care for your cat to stay happy and healthy. They will also tell you the signs you should check out before taking your cat to the vet for check-ups and treatment.

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