How to Pamper Your Cat with Good Health

Most cat owners understand that their pets are heroes in their homes. The feline friends greet the house dwellers when they arrive home; they keep their laps warm and provide companionship. As a cat owner, the following tips will enable you to give your pet a healthy life and happiness as an appreciation of the friend they are:

Serve Your Cat a Healthy Diet and Clean Water

Your cat will only remain healthy if you provide it with a balanced diet and keep it hydrated. It is essential to check your cat's food ingredients before buying. It would be best to purchase canned food that contains high levels of animal protein. Additionally, always provide your pet with clean water to prevent urinary issues.

Although most canned foods will provide your cat with increased hydration levels, it is essential to provide your pet with a water fountain that will encourage it to drink more frequently. If you are not sure of the best food for your cat, consider talking to a vet. The professional will provide you with suggestions of the best brands and quality and let you know the proper portions for your cat, depending on the age and weight.

Set Aside Some Playtime for Your Cat Each Day

Although cats seem independent, they need to play games and have fun for healthier lives. Enough time spent on play and exercise enables it to have a proper muscle tone, better brain health, and better bonding with you. In addition, playing increases the cat's heart rate and enables burning of extra calories in the body. Your cat will enjoy a longer, healthier life, experience less anxiety, and delay getting dementia in the long run.

Get High-quality Parasite Prevention Solutions for Your Cat

Your cat cannot enjoy life when scratching because of fleas or ticks. Hence, find the right parasite prevention solution for your cat to help it remain physically and mentally comfortable. While at it, it is also vital to prevent internal parasites such as worms in the cats to stay happy and healthy.

If left unattended, all pests can be deadly. For example, you will not get treatment or cure for heartworms in cats. You could also spend more money on treating some parasites than preventing them. The best thing would be to prevent them from attacking the friendly pet. Visit your vet to know whether to provide an injectable or oral preventative to your cat. The vet will also explain the right quantities of the doses for your pet.

Empty the Litter Box Often

Since cats are naturally clean, ensure to keep their litter boxes clean. Removing the waste from the box and periodically washing it can encourage the pet to use it often. As you clean the litter box daily, you will discover any digestive and urinary issues on the cat. Contact the vet right away if you notice some blood on your pet's stool or urine. You should also talk to the vet if you find that your cat has suddenly stopped using the litter box. Those two can be signs of internal problems that need immediate attention.

Spray Your Cat Regularly

Spraying your cat enables them to have a healthier life. For example, neutering your female cat reduces the chances of having uterine and breast infections. Also, spraying a male cat keeps it away from prostate problems such as cancer. The male cat will also have fewer chances of going outdoors to mate.

Look Out for Potential Poisons

Always look out for potential poisons such as rodenticides, herbicides, and medicines. Always keep such items out of the cat's reach because they can be harmful to their health. If possible, store the products in lockable cabinets.

Always Comb the Pet's Fur

Cats naturally love grooming themselves. However, this doesn't mean they will not enjoy it when you comb and stroke them. Often, cats bond and socialize through grooming one another. Most of them enjoy it when humans comb them since it helps bond and spends time together. Brushing your pet's fur will help untangle knots, reduce hairballs and enable you to look out for lumps and dermatological problems that might need attention.

It is always essential to ensure your cat remains healthy and happy. Using the tips provided above, you can enjoy hosting your furry friend for more quality years. Since your cat is friendly enough to keep you company, keep your laps warm, and welcome you while arriving from a tedious day, why not consider using these tips to reciprocate love and appreciation?

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