New cat owners: Things You Should Know Before Bringing a Cat Home

Are you thinking of adding a feline friend to your family? Cats make great companions and can provide hours of entertainment, but they require a lot of care and attention. Besides, there are many things to consider before bringing a cat into your home to ensure that you and your new pet are happy and healthy. Here are some things to keep in mind before you head to the shelter or breeder to pick out your new friend:

Ensure Your House Is Conducive For the Feline

Cats are independent creatures and don't need much attention as dogs, but they still require love and care. Make sure you are prepared to give your cat the time and attention it needs. Cats also need many exercises, so provide spacious room for your cat to run, jump, and play. Additionally, cats like to have a place to call their own, so a comfortable bed or cat tree would serve them.

Think About Whether You Want an Indoor or Outdoor Cat

It's an important decision because it will determine how much time you need to supervise your cat. Indoor cats live an average of 13 years, while outdoor cats only live three to five years. If you decide to let your cat outdoors, provide it with a safe place to stay and plenty of food and water.

Get Your Home Cat-Proofed

Cats are curious creatures who want to explore every nook and cranny of your home. Remove any poisonous plants, breakable items, and small spaces where your cat could get stuck. Also, consider investing in a scratching post to save your furniture from being shredded.

Test Yourself for Feline Allergies

Approximately 15% of the population is allergic to cats, so it's important to test yourself before bringing one home. The best way to do this is to spend time with a friend or family member who has a cat. If you start to experience symptoms like sneezing, watery eyes, or difficulty breathing, you may be allergic and should consider another pet. Choose a cat with low allergies that produce less protein that causes allergies, including the Sphynx, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, and Peterbald.

Research on Different Breeds

There are over 70 different cat breeds, each with its unique personality and needs. Research the other breeds to find one that fits your lifestyle and personality. Some of the most popular breeds include the Siamese, Persian, Maine Coon, and Sphynx.

Take the Cat for Immunization and Check-Up

Remember to take your new cat to the vet for a check-up and immunizations, who will tell you if the cat is healthy and give you some tips on care. It's also a good idea to get your cat spayed or neutered to help reduce the risk of behavior problems and health issues down the road.

Ensure You Have a High-Quality Litter Box and Cat Litter

Your cat will need a litter box, and it's crucial to select the right size and easy to clean. It's also important to choose a cat litter that is low-tracking and dust-free. Some of the best options include Yesterday's News, World's Best Cat Litter, and Feline Pine. Additionally, you'll need to purchase a litter scoop, cat food, and water bowl because your cat will need a place to eat and drink.

Set Up a Comfortable Bed for Your Cat

Cats love to sleep, so provide a comfortable bed for your cat to snuggle up in without disturbance. Some of the best options include a heated bed, a soft blanket, or a cat cave. Never let your cat sleep on your bed because it could carry diseases harmful to humans, such as toxoplasmosis. Also, sleeping on a bare floor can be very uncomfortable and might cause joint problems later.

Invest In Some Toys

Cats need to be entertained, so investing in some toys is essential. Some of the best options include feathers, a string, toy mice, and a catnip-filled pillow. Rotate the toys every few days to keep your cat from getting bored. Empty boxes are also a great way to keep your cat entertained.

Consider Insuring the Pet

Many people don't realize that they can insure their cats like any other family member. It helps cover the cost of medical care if your cat becomes ill or injured. There are various pet insurance companies to choose from, and get the best one for you and your cat.

There are many things to consider before bringing a cat home. However, if you research and prepare in advance, you'll find the perfect feline friend for your family. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to becoming a responsible cat owner. Furthermore, remember your new friend brings you years of love and companionship.

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