Finding the Best Vet for Your Pet: Questions to Ask and What to Look For

Choosing the right veterinarian for your pet is one of the most important decisions that you will make for your beloved furry friend. You want to find a vet who will understand the specific needs of your pet while giving you confidence that you are making the right decisions for their needs and health history. Here are a few of the top considerations to make when looking for a vet.

How to Find a Vet

As with most decisions like this, your best bet in finding the perfect vet is to ask around your friends and family for recommendations. While online reviews may be helpful, you will likely get more objective opinions if you rely on word of mouth. You can also check with your state's veterinary medical association for a comprehensive list of accredited practices.

If your animal is a purebred, you may find luck checking with your local breed clubs to ask for their specific recommendations. Other good resources include local dog trainers, groomers, and employees of local shelters.

Visiting a Veterinarian Office

It is always a good idea to visit a few potential offices without your pet for the first time. This will allow you to pay attention to details such as the cleanliness, organization, waiting area options, and other intangibles. Visiting with your pet for the first time may mean that you end up being distracted with your animal.

However, it is also routine practice to let your animal meet the staff before making your final decision. Pay close attention to how the vet responds to your pet. This is particularly important if your animal exhibits stress. You will want a professional who will know how to respond to your animal when in distress.

Only you can determine if you prefer a vet that is all business or if you want one who is warmer and more casual. In these situations, it is always best to go with your gut. The goal is to find a vet with a philosophy on animal care that most closely aligns with your family.

Questions to Ask Prospective Vets

In order to make the most out of your visit, you should have a list of questions ready to ask. Start with the logistical issues such as office hours, payment options, how they handle emergencies, and if they make house calls. When going over payment options, be sure to understand if they take insurance if you know that you are going to go that route.

This is also a good time to go over all of the services that they offer. For example, do they have x-ray capabilities on site or will you need to go elsewhere? Is there a pharmacy on site or are you on your own to procure the medications that your pet may need? Does the facility offer ultrasounds, radiology services, and general surgery?

Many pet owners also prefer a vet who can offer comprehensive dental care. Do not neglect to ask if they can provide this dental care at the same time as a regular checkup or will you need to schedule a separate appointment.

Choosing a Location

While the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with the care that your animal will receive, you also need to consider the location logistics. A close and convenient location is always beneficial, particularly if your animal has pre-existing health conditions. You will also need to know where to go for any emergency services. If the vet that you choose does not offer 24-hour care, you are going to want to ask them for recommendations for this type of service.

Thanks to advances in preventative medicine for animals, today's pets are living longer and longer. You can provide your pet with the highest quality of life by choosing a vet that responds appropriately to all of your concerns and needs. When choosing your animal's doctor, you need to apply the same criteria that you would for selecting your own personal physician. The relationship that you enjoy with your vet should be a partnership that always takes the best interests of your pet into consideration.

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