Should Pets Be Kept Inside?

With so many millions of people owning a wide variety of pets, it's easy to sometimes forget that most varieties were once wild animals that were eventually domesticated. Dogs, being the most popular type of house-pet in the west, were once wolves. Scary, big, mean, with long teeth and claws. Wolves hunted in packs and were famous for being vicious killers. Domesticated dogs, of course, are nothing like their ancestors. Today's dogs can be trained to be very docile and to do a lot of tricks. They're great with kids and many people cherish dogs like members of the family. Other people, however, are pretty much insistent that any sort of pet they own needs to stay outside because that's where pets belong. So, do pets actually belong in the house?

If you're a pet owner reading this, you might scoff at the mere question, likely because you already have your mind made up as to where your pets belong. However, it's important to realize that there are a lot of people out there who have never owned a pet and they're thinking about getting one, either for a companion or for their children. These people might want to know a few things about pets and how they fare inside vs. outside.

It Depends on the Pet

The first thing you should realize is that it definitely depends on the pet in question. If you're going for any sort of pet that needs to stay in a cage, or if it presents any type of threat of running away, then the only logical solution is to keep them inside, at least as much as you possibly can. Dogs can go either way. This is pretty much left to your personal choices. Just know that if you have a dog that you want to keep outside, such as a beagle or a bulldog, or another type with shorter hair, then they are going to have a much tougher time outside than a dog with a fuller coat, like a lab or a husky. The last thing you want to do is cause your dog any sort of discomfort, but that's exactly what you will do if you leave a dog outside that isn't bred for being outside. Short-haired dogs should almost exclusively be kept inside. If you're not ready for that type of commitment, then you should definitely get another type of dog or consider not getting a dog at all. Obviously, pets like snakes and birds need to be kept inside. That goes without saying. So, why say it? This also means you can't take a bird out to go flying around for a while, thinking it will come back.

Some are Fine Outdoors

Some pets, of course, are fine outdoors. Yes, the long-haired dogs mentioned above will do just fine outdoors. They might not like it too much and would rather sleep on the sofa, but they will be just fine outside. However, this can also go for a pet like a rabbit. Rabbits will do just fine outside. You should keep them in some sort of enclosure so they cannot run away, but the elements won't really negatively affect them. They will be just fine out there. Other similar pets, however, like ferrets, won't fare too well outdoors.

Indoor Spaces are Always More Comfortable

Something that a lot of pet owners may want to focus on is just how comfortable their pets are going to be. E.g. what sort of quality of life will your pet have? Most pets that you're going to get are going to have very short lifespans compared to humans, which means that a pet may last you a decade. Do you really want to be detached from this animal while giving them a very basic quality of life for that short amount of time? The top reason so many people keep their dogs and cats inside, for instance, is so these pets can stay a lot more comfortable and really become a part of the family and know they're loved.

The fact is that keeping a pet inside or outside is going to be your choice, but you also need to consider that some pets are going to have a hard, miserable time outdoors, and it's just cruel to get some types of pets unless you're willing to keep them inside.

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