Is it Worth it to Take Your Dog to a Groomer?

Of all the many millions of people who have dogs as pets, most of them will tell you that they sometimes end up smelling pretty bad. Dogs don't hop in the shower like humans do, and there isn't any equivalent of Axe body spray or deodorant for your pooch. They're pretty much at the mercy of their environment. This is why dogs can develop a stink that causes owners to make an appointment with their local groomer so that their dog can get a bath. Not only a good, thorough washing, of course, but also clipping their nails and perhaps even caring for their teeth are other reasons that people send dogs to a groomer. However, due to inflation, the average trip to a dog groomer is up nearly 100% over the past year and a half. This means that people are paying close to $100 in most metro-located grooming facilities.

The fact is that it might not be financially worth it to haul your dog to a dog grooming business. Even if you can easily afford it, it might just be better to groom your dog yourself, or at least as much as you can. It's something that doesn't take very long, and you definitely won't have to wait for an open spot at the groomers any longer. You can simply give your dog a bath at home when he or she needs it. It doesn't cost nearly as much and it's not as difficult as what you may think.

If you've been looking for something else besides having to haul your dog to a grooming business every few months to keep them smelling nice, here is some information that might help you groom your dog at home.

Soaps and Shampoos are Affordable

Giving your dog a bath isn't as difficult as many people believe. The biggest reason for hesitation here is that dog groomers always seem to get the dogs so clean and smelling nice, whereas most people just use a basic sort of human shampoo on their dogs and they end up stinking even more. This is because you need a specific dog shampoo that was designed specifically to combat this sort of stench while also getting your dog very clean. There are many different soap and shampoo options from which you can choose, and most are available at your local grocers or big-box store.

You don't have to get fancy here and spend a ton of money. You can find a wide range of good dog shampoo products that are very affordable.

Clippers and Combs

Of course, the idea of dog grooming goes beyond just giving your dog a bath. There's also their nails to consider. This is something that really scares many dog owners. They don't want to hurt their dog, while also being amazed that their pooches come back from the groomers with short nails but no blood or pain. Well, there's a trick to doing this. Get yourself a sharp pair of nail clippers from any pet store, and just take a little off each nail. The skin underneath will retract, and you can take a second pass without hurting your dog. This is a pretty simple thing to do, and most dog groomers are charging you $40 or more these days just for that job.

Your Dog Trusts You

Speaking more to the above section, when it comes to cutting your dog's nails, your dog trusts you. The same goes with giving them a bath. Often is the case that the dog groomer will muzzle your dog and forcibly lift them in and out of a big tub and spray them down. Your dog is terrified the entire time, and this can actually lead to serious anxiety once you get your dog back home. It's not that they abuse your dog; however, your dog reacts as if he or she has been abused. You are your dog's trusted owner and can groom them much more gentle and not traumatize them in such a way.

The bottom line here is that it is much more beneficial for you to groom your dog at home rather than taking your pet to a groomer. Not only will you save time and money doing it this way, but the overall process will be much gentler on your dog, which is a very important aspect of grooming.

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