Three Benefits of Regular Dog Walking

Every dog owner ever knows that their dog loves to walk. Just go ahead and jiggle that leash one time and watch your dog go absolutely crazy, believing that they're about to take a walk. Though walking the dog regularly isn't realistic for a lot of people, and not at all for some. Some people are disabled, and some dogs are also disabled and can't walk. It's a sad state of affairs, but nowhere near as sad as people who can walk their dogs yet don't do it. It's a few minutes out of your day, it's great exercise for you and your dog, and there are all sorts of benefits to your pet when you take them for a regular walk. There are all sorts of dog owners out there who don't need to hear this. They walk their dogs all the time and they reap the benefits from the activity. Though there are people who have problem pooches at home and they can't seem to figure out why.

The fact that you're not walking your dog enough might just be the cause of a lot of their problems. It's easy to forget that moden dogs were bred from wild wolves, who basically never sat still and were always on the move when hunting their food and roaming throughout the terrain. Just how beneficial can walking your dog more often actually be for your dog? Here are some of the top benefits of increasing those walks.

1: Keeps Your Dog Active and Healthy

The first big benefit here of walking your dog on a more regular schedule is that it's going to keep your dog a lot more active and overall healthier. Most people don't think about it until later in their dog's life, but you're only going to get about a solid decade of a healthy, happy pet, and that's if you're lucky. Dogs life spans are very short compared to people, and with a best-case scenario you're looking at only a very short window to really enjoy your time together.

Walking a dog more can definitely help to keep them in better shape. More than that, however, you're using the short time you have to actually spend more time with your pet and to show them that you really care about them. Dogs love to be loved and love in return.

2: Can Help Calm Your Dog

A lot of dogs seem to get anxious about a lot of things. Sometimes it can be loud noises out the streets, or it can be something like a thunderstorm. The fact is that dogs get very anxious, and this can be a hard habit to break them out of. Basically, they can become a little aggressive if anxious, or they could start using the bathroom inside of the home or chewing things up. It might also affect their appetite and make them not want to eat. Walking your dog more can help them deal with these anxious feelings. They get to go outside and they then realize that there's nothing to be anxious about.

Instead of having your dog sitting around worried about that thunder, they're instead thinking about taking their walk, and so they're happy instead of being anxious all the time. It's a great way to break them out of some of those bad habits they may have picked up recently that were spurred by their anxiousness.

3: Builds Stronger Bonds

This is also going to help you build a much stronger bond with your dog. Dogs definitely bond to you as long as they realize that you're their owner, which they view as their alpha, but that doesn't mean they have to like it. Many people out there have noticed that their dog stops listening to commands or that their dog doesn't show a lot of interest in them. This is more of a bonding issue than some disobedient behavioral issue. Your dog needs some various activities to help them bond to you. Walking is probably the easiest way to make this happen, and you get a lot of added benefits on top of this. It's quick, it's free, and it's healthy for both you and your dog.

There are all sorts of different benefits that you will get from walking your dog. The best one, of course, is the fact that you're spending time with your pooch.

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