Get Your Cat to Stop Scratching Up the Furniture

Cats might be one of the most popular pet choices for people in the west, but they can also be one of the most problematic pets. At their best, cats make great companions and there are millions of people out there who love an...


The 5 Main Tips for a Physically Fit and Joyful Cat

If you have a pet, you'll want to provide it with the best to remain healthy and happy. Keeping your cat indoors provides it with a safe environment, which reduces its chances of getting sick or injured. However, you should...


How to Fight Back Against a Cat Allergy

There are all sorts of people out there in the world that are allergic to cats. They know they're allergic to cats, and so they don't end up having cats as pets. It makes sense, of course; you wouldn't eat peanut butter cookies if you...


Cat Grooming Tips and Advice

Cats are certainly one of the most popular pets that people own, and many cat owners are definitely dedicated and love their pets. This love translates into a lot of money spent on professional grooming for cats. Unfortunately, the cost of cat g...


Creating an Ideal Cat Habitat

Domesticated cats are one of the most popular choice for house pets today, but the cat has a much longer and storied history than dogs. While dogs are the domesticated version of wolves in the wild, there are dozens of varieties of large cats o...


Frugal Pet Tips for an Inflated Economy

In the United States of America right now, there's a financial crisis happening that you won't see a whole lot about in the media. The average American in the lower and middle-class is paying over 30% more to live in 2022 than they we...


6 Things You Must Do for Your Cat to Remain Healthy and Happy

Have you just adopted a cat? What a good move. You can keep a cat as a pet and companion. You are just about to experience a home full of joy and laughter. However, you may be wondering how to keep the kitty healt...


One-Quarter of Cat Owners View Their Pet As a Child

In a new study published by Dutch scientists, one out of four cat owners sees their pet as a child. The study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in early January 2022, demons...


Cats Can Get COVID-19, So Why Isn't There A Vaccine Available?

The outbreak of COVID-19 has been one of the most significant events in recent memory. The entire world was shook to its core and the response everyday people, institutions, and governments had to the pandemic ch...


How to Get Your Dog to Stop Following You

In the modern western world, dogs are far and away the number one pet choice of people. In fact, of all the tens of millions of dog owners, more than half have more than one dog. The phrase "man's best friend" isn't just some market...